Light, Laser, and Pellevé Treatments


Photorejuvenation (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light is a safe, non-invasive technology that helps improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin by decreasing age spots and unwanted fine blood vessels. This treatment is also helpful for rosacea. Skin texture is improved and patients will notice smoother, more even skin tone.

Downtime: Most patients find they are able to go back to their normal routine the following day. The treated area may have some swelling, redness, and darkening of sunspots and freckles. These will fade over the following two weeks.

Number of treatments: Most patients notice improvement after 1 or 2 treatments. However, 3 to 5 treatments approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart will give you optimal results.

Cynosure “Lux” 1540 Fractional Laser Treatment

The Cynosure “Lux” is a non-ablative erbium laser used to stimulate collagen and create a more even tone and texture to the skin. This highly specialized laser delivers energy to the skin through precision microbeams that penetrate into the dermis. Thousands of narrow columns of microthermal zones are created each surrounded by healthy untreated skin. This pattern of application allows the skin to repair itself, replacing damaged skin with new, healthier younger-looking skin. By using this non-ablative approach, your skin can heal much faster than if the entire damaged surface were removed at once.

Downtime: Most patients will be red and swollen for 3 to 4 days. A sandpaper-like texture is common and will slowly resolve over the following two weeks.

Number of treatments: 2 to 4 treatments are recommended for optimal results.

Light and Bright Signature Treatment

Our personalized combination of IPL with Lux 1540 delivers a milder laser resurfacing treatment combining the brightening benefits of IPL with the non-ablative resurfacing results of fractionated erbium laser.


A non-invasive radio frequency skin tightening method designed to firm contours without needles or surgery. Custom tailored to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Downtime: A relaxing treatment with no downtime.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

Involves the application of a solution called Levulan to the skin. The solution is left on the skin for 2 hours and is activated by Blu U light and/or Intense Pulse Light for the treatment of Actinic Keratoses (precancers). This treatment is an FDA approved alternative to chemical creams that are often used to treat these precancers. PDT can also be used for resistant acne vulgaris and can be combined with IPL/Photofacial to achieve excellent photo rejuvenation in sun damaged skin.

Downtime: During the first 24-48 hours, your skin will have a moderate sunburn appearance and will be tender. During this time, you MUST be abstinent from any sunlight exposure. Over the next 5-7 days the damaged skin will peel off.

Hair Removal (IPL)

This treatment selectively destroys pigmented hairs in the follicle without damaging the surrounding skin. Results are semi-permanent once the hair is cleared, though occasional touch-ups may be necessary over time.

Downtime: Minimal with slight redness for a day or two.

Number of treatments: Results may vary by patient, but it usually takes 6 to 7 treatments over the course of 6 or 7 months for optimal results.