Chemical Peels


Selecting the right peel for your skin is a very important part of your dermatologic care. We are here to help you make the right decision for your specific concerns and particular skin type.

Vitalize Peel

Formulated to give your skin a fresh, clean appearance. Hyperpigmentation, superficial sun damage, acne, and a dull appearance can be improved. This peel is suitable for most skin types and can be tailored to each individuals needs. A series of 3 to 4 peels several weeks apart gives optimal results.

Downtime: Mild pinkness and peeling for 3 to 5 days.

TCA Peel

A deeper peel which is used when more extensive repair of sun-damaged skin is necessary. This peel is often layered over Jessners solution to achieve softening of fine lines and improvement of hyperpigmentation and brown spots.

Downtime: A TCA peel can have more significant downtime. You will notice peeling and crusting within several days after treatment. This will subside as the old, damaged layers peel and new, healthy skin emerges in approximately 7 days.